Coors Light says it is hiding away new commercial with Chiefs’ Patrick Mahomes

The NFL restricts players from actively endorsing beer products, but the funny thing is nearly every Chiefs fan is aware of quarterback Patrick Mahomes’ beverage of choice.

It’s Coors Light, and we know that because Mahomes has been spotted drinking them at the Chiefs’ Super Bowl parades, his friends have mentioned how much he likes the beer and he had special bottles made for his wedding.

And then there are the clever Coors Light non-commercials featuring Mahomes. You may recall the Coors Light bear and the flashlight. A new spot was released Wednesday and it features Mahomes as an action star.

But, again, because of NFL regulations, even though Mahomes is on top of a speeding train, it’s not a commercial. It is a tongue-in-cheek advertisement. Wink wink.

The beer maker claims there is a full-length commercial that will be buried a time capsule at the Coors Brewery in Golden, Colorado.

This ad is a nod to a movie poster.
This ad is a nod to a movie poster.

“Everyone knows I’m a Coors Light guy,” Mahomes said in a news release, “and this summer we were cooking up something special … unfortunately, you’ll have to stay tuned until the day that we can finally share it with the world!”

Coors Light said the time capsule will be opened and the commercial will be released when Mahomes can actually endorse the beer. That would be when he retires. Fans can watch the time capsule burial on a livestream on the Coors Light YouTube page on Friday at 10 a.m.

And the promotions don’t stop there. Coors Light has made “Redactrick” figurine of Mahomes. Those are being sold now and proceeds will benefit Mahomes’ 15 and the Mahomies Foundation.

Here is the commercial of Mahomes, which gets “interrupted” by a producer.

And here is a look at the Mahomes figurine.

A new Patrick Mahomes figurine is being sold with proceeds going to his charity.
A new Patrick Mahomes figurine is being sold with proceeds going to his charity.