Dog turns on hairdryer and starts Christmas Eve house fire in Essex

Once you've finished with any electrical appliances please unplug them, the service said  (Essex Fire Service)
Once you've finished with any electrical appliances please unplug them, the service said (Essex Fire Service)

Christmas got off to a bad start for one family when their dog turned on a hairdryer and started a house fire.

Essex Fire Service was called out at 6.43pm on Christmas Eve to Hockley village to reports of a smoke-filled house.

On arrival firefighters reported that there was a smouldering fire in a bedroom and quickly worked to extinguish it.

The dog was waiting by the front door when the homeowner got back. Both were treated for smoke inhalation but are expected to make a full recovery.

The state of the house after the fire (Essex Fire Service)
The state of the house after the fire (Essex Fire Service)

Essex Fire Service commander Gary Shinn said: “The homeowner was out and came back to find her house full of smoke.

“We believe the fire started because a hairdryer was left plugged in and on a bed. We think the dog may have then jumped on the bed a turned the hairdryer on, eventually causing it to catch alight to the bedding and mattress.

“Once you've finished with any electrical appliances such as hairdryers and straighteners please take a moment to unplug them.

“The homeowner wouldn't have thought for one moment her dog would turn on the hairdryer, but unplugging something just gives you that peace of mind.”