Edzo fire risk now lower, though 'not entirely settled'

N.W.T. Fire says a wildfire close to Edzo that triggered an evacuation notice earlier this week is now less likely to affect the community in the coming days.

"However, risks have not entirely settled, and the situation could change quickly. There is not assessed to be imminent threat to Edzo today," the territory's wildfire agency said in a Wednesday afternoon update.

On Tuesday morning, the community government of Behchokǫ̀ posted an evacuation notice urging residents to prepare for a possible emergency.

Wildfire ZF011 began as a result of a lightning strike on the west shores of Marian Lake. The past weekend's hot, dry weather conditions caused the fire to escape an initial attack by firefighters.

N.W.T. Fire said that while strong winds on Wednesday could "cause significant fire activity," those conditions would mostly push the fire toward Marian Lake.

A key objective on Wednesday was to have "fire crews finish work to tie in from the shores of Marian Lake to fuel-limited anchor points to the east of the fire, to support perimeter suppression and containment," the update continued.

An incident management team featuring a structure protection specialist has been established to tackle the fire.

Also on Wednesday, the GNWT posted a notice informing Edzo residents that they can pre-register for a new Emergency Evacuation Relief Program that covers evacuation-related expenses.

Upon registering, a one-time payment of $800 per adult and $400 per child will be made after an evacuation order is issued.

Aastha Sethi, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Cabin Radio