Former Sanikiluaq teacher convicted on 14 sex assault charges

Sanikiluaq, Nunavut, in file photo from 2021. A jury has found a former teacher in the community guilty of 14 sex-related charges against his students. (Jackie McKay/CBC - image credit)
Sanikiluaq, Nunavut, in file photo from 2021. A jury has found a former teacher in the community guilty of 14 sex-related charges against his students. (Jackie McKay/CBC - image credit)

A jury has found a former teacher in Sanikiluaq, Nunavut, guilty of 14 sex-related charges against his students.

Johnny Meeko was facing charges related to incidents that happened between 1980 and 2007 at Nuiyak Elementary School.

Meeko's trial finished on Friday in Iqaluit and a jury deliberated for a day and a half before delivering its verdicts on Tuesday.

It found him guilty on 14 of the 17 charges.

Justice Paul Bychok declared a mistrial for the three charges where the jury was unable to decide on a verdict. Bychok also revoked Meeko's bail.

This isn't the first time Meeko has faced these charges — in 2015 he was found guilty of 27 charges.

However, he won an appeal on that conviction and a new trial was ordered.

Meeko will now return to court on July 31 to set a date for sentencing.