J.Lo Sends Message About Her Relationship Status With a Very Telling Bracelet in The Hamptons

a person standing in front of a field of flowers
J.Lo Wears "B" Bracelet in the HamptonsInstagram

Jennifer Lopez has been chilling in The Hamptons for the past week or so, and naturally she's been spotted by paps a lot. Wearing a multitude of chic, summer-y looks, I might add! And one of her outfits features what may (depending on how much you like reading into things) be a subtle message about her relationship status with Ben Affleck. Emphasis on may!

As you might have noticed, Ben and J.Lo have been dealing with divorce rumors for almost three months at this point, though neither of them have said anything to indicate they're actually splitting up. In fact, it's kinda the opposite. Both Ben and Jen have been wearing their engagement rings in recent weeks (with a few exceptions), and if you check out pics of J.Lo in the Hamptons from a few days ago, she's wearing a charm bracelet with a visible letter “B."

Page Six has the pics over this way—and not saying that "B" definitely stands for Ben, buuuuut...the timing is certainly interesting!

Anyway, if you want the latest intel on where things stand with Bennifer, one insider tells the Daily Mail that J.Lo's mom told her to "Cut your losses and move on to avoid getting any deeper in this mess" and said "she's wasted years believing that Ben was some kind of knight in shining armor." Meanwhile, J.Lo's sisters "want her to file for divorce first and get on with her life–focus on her kids and career."

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