James Stunt trial: Socialite 'didn't know it was offence to ask PA to forge signature' to buy Andy Warhol painting

Socialite James Stunt, former son-in-law of F1 tycoon Bernie Ecclestone, has told a court that he “didn’t know it was an offence” to ask his personal assistant to “forge” his signature so he could buy an Andy Warhol painting.

The 40-year-old is one of eight defendants, including his assistant Francesca Sota, on trial accused of a multimillion-pound money laundering operation.

He told jurors on Thursday that he was "a man of integrity" and "didn't prejudice a bank".

Prosecutors at Leeds Cloth Hall Court have previously claimed that during the investigation into the network, which allegedly moved £266m into the bank account of Bradford-based gold dealer Fowler Oldfield between 2014 and 2016, "it became apparent that Stunt instructed Sota to forge his signature on an important financial document" in February 2015.

However, Stunt called the forgery charge "laughable", saying "it's my own money".

He told the court he was "jacked up on morphine" in a Los Angeles hospital when he sent an email to Sota telling her to "please forge my signature" so he could draw £320,000 from one of his bank accounts.

He said he was in hospital due to a tennis injury sustained at the Los Angeles home he was sharing with his then-wife Petra Ecclestone.

"It was the first time I have ever tried morphine. I was floating on a cloud, you vomit and things, but it's a wonderful feeling," Stunt added.

The court heard an email from Stunt to Sota said: "Sorry to call so late was in hospital I made payment my bank is saying I need to sign something meaning they have not made them please forge my signature first thing in the morning get Lee or witness it yourself please this must be signed and emailed to the relevant parties. Thank you x."

It was said Stunt later wrote: "Call me as soon as you can I need that bank thing signed witnessed and sent to them or the payment won't be sent that screws me badly!"

An email from Sota was later sent to the bank saying: "Please find attached the signed document by Mr Stunt and myself as a witness."

He told the court he "made a human error and didn't realise there weren't enough funds in the account" that he tried to use to buy the painting by the American artist.

Read more:
James Stunt tells court he loved his ex Petra Ecclestone - not her bank account
Socialite accused of being involved in £266m money-laundering scheme

The defendant said he "didn't mean" to put his assistant "in any precarious position" and "didn't know this was even an offence".

He added that he thought it was part of Sota's "duties" as a personal assistant and that businessmen, including his father and Mr Ecclestone, have stamps with their signatures on.

"I thought Miss Sota had full authority with my permission to stamp my signature.

"Bernie Ecclestone does it, my father does it, if that's a crime you should lock up half the court."

Stunt, 40, Heidi Buckler, 45, Greg Frankel, 44, Paul Miller, 45, Haroon Rashid, 51, Daniel Rawson, 45, Francesca Sota, 34, and Alesancer Tulloch, 41, all deny money laundering.

Stunt and Sota also deny forgery.

The trial continues.