Join us & connect: Learn about changes coming to The Sun News and our digital future

The Sun News newsroom staff invites you to learn about our upcoming transition to a 24/7 digital news site and our new print delivery schedule.

Starting Aug. 12, the print newspaper will be delivered Wednesdays and Sundays via the US Postal Service. So remember to check your mailbox on Saturday for the Sunday edition.

Our upgraded online Edition is live on, and we recently launched a new digital calendar, so you can easily add your local events.

This is a lot of change and we know it’s an adjustment for you — and it is for us, too — and we know you have questions.

So, we want to invite you — our loyal subscribers — for a free in-person discussion about this important transition, and the exciting future of our coverage in the Myrtle Beach area. You’ll also have a chance to meet some of our newsroom reporters and editors at each event. We are hosting two subscriber forums, in the conference room at HTC Aspire Hub, 509 9th Ave N. in downtown Myrtle Beach, where we keep our offices. You can register for 6 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 26, or 10 to 11:30 a.m. Thursday, June 27.

Please RSVP here to join us. Read more about these changes in Chris Segal’s column.

Chris Segal. Senior Editor, The Sun News.
Chris Segal. Senior Editor, The Sun News.

Chris Segal,

Senior Editor

Terri Richardson
Terri Richardson

Terri Richardson,

Breaking News Editor

Emalyn Muzzy on Nov. 7
Emalyn Muzzy on Nov. 7

Emalyn Muzzy,

Breaking New Reporter

Sun News visual journalist Jason Lee
Sun News visual journalist Jason Lee

Jason Lee,

Visual Journalist

Sun News Investigative reporter David Weissman
Sun News Investigative reporter David Weissman

David Weissman,

Investigative Projects Reporter

Sun News retail reporter Ben Morse
Sun News retail reporter Ben Morse

Ben Morse,

Retail Reporter