To KY’s delegation: If you truly care about the border, show some guts and integrity. | Opinion

Immigration action

To U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul, and U.S. Rep. Andy Barr (all R-Ky.) - The people of this country are sick of the political stunts and dysfunction in Congress. With a long awaited bipartisan immigration bill, supported by the border patrol, ready to be signed by the President, and ready to be implemented, you and the rest of the Congress have NO excuse! If you truly care about the border, show some guts and integrity. Constructive courageous action speaks so much louder than your sanctimonious deceitful words. Time to take a loud public stand in support of this much needed immigration bill. Time to stop kissing the feet of former President Donald Trump, the most corrupt dangerous man in America!

Beverly Johnson-Miller, Lexington


The invasion of illegal immigrants last year cost the American taxpayers (you) $151 billion while illegals still pour into our country to disrupt your way of life. IT’S WRONG AND DOESN’T REFLECT THE POLITICAL WILL OF THE COUNTRY!

The first responsibility of government is to protect its citizens. Biden is failing you. These illegal lawbreakers are overwhelming the financial abilities and resources of states, cities, counties and towns. The negative impacts are already being seen in the larger cities and will only proliferate as the “open border” policies strips legal citizens of services meant for them, not illegals. While you currently support this financial robbery, as your taxes are diverted to address the crises, your children and grandchildren will bear the negative long-term ramifications of this self-destructive path.

Protect your families by lobbying, voting against, and resisting this national crime. U.S. Sens. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) and Chuck Schumer (D-Cal.) have cobbled together a rat trap bill meant to placate the country, but they don’t really care; they work for big donors. The politicians tricked Reagan in 1988 with fake immigration promises and now they’ re trying to trick you!

“The good of the people is the chief law.” - Cicero

Robert Adams, Lexington

HB 5 impact

I recently noticed a fraudulent withdrawal from my bank account. While reporting this to my bank, the fraud department told me that it would be 30-90 days before I would get that money back. I made me think.

Rents are due on the 1st. The late notice could come on the 3rd with seven days to pay in full or vacate. A forcible detainer could be filed on the 11th and served on the 14th. The eviction court date could be the 28th. The writ of possession comes eight days after court. That fraudulent-withdrawal money would still not be available.

Through no fault of theirs, a family could be homeless in about 30 days. Finding housing could take months. This leaves families with very few options in Madison County. HB 5 is will make our housing crisis worse.

This bill will make life less safe. Criminalizing homelessness does not protect Kentuckians. It incites inhumane behavior toward our neighbors. Residents are one hardship away from facing eviction and homelessness. Join the Madison County Tenants’ Union. If you or someone you know is unhoused, contact Madison Home, Inc.

Do justice; love mercy; walk humbly. Let our representatives know to vote against HB 5.

Lisa Roush, Richmond

Dyche column

Thank you, John David Dyche, the writer who was asked to write an obituary for U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). Mr. Dyche has earned the respect of every American who reads his opinion. Mr. Dyche isn’t going to wait until McConnell’s death to tell him what he’s going to write about him. He wants McConnell to know now! And every last Congressional Republican who pledged allegiance to Donald Trump should expect the same consideration when it’s time for their obituaries to be written. There are seven Congressional Republicans who should expect the same. Their biographies should tell how they did nothing the entire time they were in Congress but defend the indefensible. They lied. They obstructed. They kept trying to shut down the government. They race bated, and encouraged animosity. And they tried to destroy our democratic way of governing. All of those things, everything they did or didn’t do, will be written in history books.

Yolanda Averette, Lexington

Program destroyer

Question - Why did the Herald-Leader take out the comment section at the beginning of the college basketball season?

Answer – The Herald is trying to protect the Great Program Destroyer, Coach John Calipari. BBN has had enough of this guy. Do your job correctly, be real journalist, and allow the people to voice their opinion. On a private BBN chat recently, there were over 3,000 people on there, voicing their opinion on the state of University of Kentucky Basketball. This clown pushed 1-and-done to the point the NCAA had no choice but to open up the NIL (Name, Image, Likeness) and now look what happened. College athletics has become semi-pro. In the meantime, this clown has been to DC to lobby against the NIL. Why, people ask? It’s simple - he is not capable of success on this level. He keeps referring to what he did at the University of Massachusetts and the University of Memphis. Big deal. This is KENTUCKY! He isn’t wanted here anymore and hasn’t been for a few years now. This isn’t about the loss. It’s about the state of UK Basketball. It’s bleak with the Great Program Destroyer in charge!!!

Stephen Hatton; Dallas, Texas

(Editor’s note: The Herald-Leader’s comments are temporarily unavailable as we make improvements to our online publishing system.)


Republican leader former President Donald Trump has referred to me and my kind as vermin. As such, I am entitled to defend myself and my kind. Henceforth, Trump’s nick name shall be Despicable Donnie.

A majority of the time Despicable Donnie opens his mouth to speak he spews lies, condescension towards women at a cost to him of $83,000,000, locker room trash talk, threats, violence, incomprehensible rants, bullying, and/or combinations thereof.

DD was born with a gold pacifier in his mouth to a rich daddy who paid millions to cover DD’s business blunders and millions more from inheritance. Definitely not a self-made millionaire.

DD has had 6 bankruptcies, three marriages, and been a party to more than 4,000 civil actions during his 40-year business career, approximately one claim every three days.

DD instigated an insurrection and appeared not to be concerned about his vice president being hung.

This is DD’s resume. Who would hire this jerk?

R. Don Goble, Lexington

Terrorist attacks

Former President Donald Trump was just talking about how our open borders were ripe for mass terrorist attacks. I thought he was going to talk about the mass terrorist attack we had on Jan. 6.

Bob Sutton, Springfield

Dog fighting

According to a recent letter to the editor, there are dog fights being staged somewhere in central Kentucky. Dogs are being stolen from their homes and used as bait for dogs that have been beaten, starved and abused until they are vicious. The people who put on these fights and the people who attend these fights are cruel beyond words.

If you have pets that you love take whatever measures you can to protect them and inform your local and state officials that this must be investigated and the people responsible arrested and prosecuted. The penalties for animal abuse and cruelty need to be strengthened and enforced. Not everyone reads the newspaper so spread the word to your friends and neighbors. Watch out for each other and protect your pets. I would like to see this paper and the local television stations investigate this problem and at least alert the public about this horror. I love my pets and would protect them with my life if necessary. I know that all pet owners who love their pets would do likewise.

Harry Tucker, Lexington

Taylor Swift at the Grammies on Monday night.
Taylor Swift at the Grammies on Monday night.

Swift snub

Taylor Swift, a star in her own right, dropped several notches of respect with the way she mishandled and mistreated the great Celine Dion during the Grammy presentation. She should have been adult enough to at least publicly acknowledge and thank her for the honor of her presence. Taylor showed her immature, self-centered, attention-seeking self through her actions on stage. Celine had the maturity and kindness to fade to the back of the stage and let Swift have her moment. May she never forget that actions speak louder than words.

Judith Elam, West Liberty

Prisoner swap

Former President Donald Trump says that those arrested due to their participation on Jan. 6 should be released. Here’s an idea - why not swap Trump for them? He has held our democracy hostage from the day he took office and continues to do so. If he’s reelected we can kiss our country good-bye.

When you go after a drug ring you try to take out the kingpin to make the biggest impact. The head of the GOP should be cut off in order to possibly return our country to some semblance of what it used to be. Until he (Trump) is taken out of the picture this country is in dire danger of losing all it has stood for and that many, many men have died for. Have we forgotten that Trump said he didn’t respect POWs, only those that were not captured? It’s time he became a POW of the war he has started on his own country. I doubt he’d be able to survive as long as the true heroes did.

Don’t worry Donald, we’d let you take your hair spray and self-tanning cream. As a Bonus - stripes make you look thinner!

Sara Wellnitz, Lexington

Compiled by Liz Carey