Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert refuse to stand or applaud for Zelensky

Republican representatives Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz refused to stand or applaud Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky during his address to the Congress on Wednesday.

The war-time president received a standing ovation from the members of Congress after concluding his speech on the crisis in Ukraine.

The two Republican members, however, seemed unimpressed as they remained seated and kept looking down at their phones while the rest of the chamber applauded Mr Zelensky.

Prior to the speech, as the president made his way to the podium, Ms Boebert and Mr Gaetz were among the few lawmakers who did not applaud.

In a nearly 30-minute-long, stirring address, Mr Zelensky conveyed gratitude to Americans and sought their support ahead of what he depicted as an especially brutal winter.

“They burn down and destroy everything they see,” he said of advancing Russian forces. “They threw everything against us, similar to the other tyranny which is in the Battle of the Bulge."

Despite everything, including the “doom and gloom” of experts who worried that Ukraine’s military could not possibly hope to fight off the numerically superior Russian force, his country’s forces are still “alive and kicking”, the president added.

The Colorado and Florida representatives refrained from participating in several standing ovations that were given to Mr Zelensky throughout his speech and were seen on their phones throughout the event.

Earlier in the day, the two far-right members blew straight past a security checkpoint outside the House floor as they headed in to attend the address.

Ms Boebert and Mr Gaetz were seen on the first floor of the Capitol building walking down a hallway outside of the House floor when they veered right towards the chamber. Before they were able to reach the door, two US Capitol Police officers stopped the pair and informed them that they needed to go through a security screening.

The Florida congressman was heard briefly questioning the officer’s direction, before turning away. “Mr Gaetz? Mr Gaetz?!” the officer said as the pair breezed past them and entered the chamber without further incident.

In a video message shared later in the night, Ms Boebert said she will not support sending additional money to the war till Congress receives a full audit on the aid packages. “What I didn’t hear tonight was an explanation of where the first $50bn we sent to support the efforts went,” she said.

She added: “President Zelensky is working to protect his country, its border, its people and I get it. I really wish our commander-in-chief would do the same right here at home, secure our southern border and protect our people.”

The pair was severely criticised on Twitter for their behaviour towards Mr Zelensky, who was visiting Washington nearly 10 months into Russia’s war on Ukraine.

“Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz aren’t fit to shine Volodymyr Zelensky’s shoes,” wrote one user.

“Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz not standing or clapping for Zelensky. They know from courage better, apparently,” added Puck News correspondent Julia Ioffe.

“Coming back on Twitter to say one thing: Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz are human garbage,” wrote columnist and podcast host Rachel Vindman.