Murdoch's New York Post buries coverage of Trump's re-election speech on page 26: 'Florida Man Makes Announcement'

Murdoch's New York Post buries coverage of Trump's re-election speech on page 26: 'Florida Man Makes Announcement'
  • The New York Post buried Donald Trump's 2024 Presidential announcement on page 26.

  • The publication also took a shot at his health in its short article reporting the news.

  • The once-loyal Post has turned on the former president since the GOP's disappointing midterm results.

The New York Post buried the news of former President Donald Trump's 2024 presidential bid on page 26 of Wednesday's issue — the latest example of a once-loyal, Rupert Murdoch-owned outlet turning against Trump.

"A Florida retiree made the surprise announcement Tuesday night that he was running for President," the Post's article dismissingly said.

The publication also took a shot at Trump's health in the article — headlined "Been there, Don that" — pointing out Trump's age, which would tie President Joe Biden as the oldest President in office if he won.

"Trump, famous for gold-plated lobbies and for firing people on reality television, will be 78 in 2024," the article said.

"His cholesterol levels are unknown, but his favorite food is charred steak with ketchup," the Post wrote. The article didn't have an author's name attached.

The short blurb was teased on the Post's cover: "Florida Man Makes Announcement."

The Post is owned by Murdoch along with the Wall Street Journal and Fox News and was friendly to Trump throughout his time in office and the 2020 elections. Trump reportedly reads the Post himself.

But after Republicans' disappointing results in the 2022 midterm elections, Murdoch's outlets appear to have turned on the former president. All three have published critical pieces about Trump since Election Day.

Trump's handpicked candidates lost high-profile congressional races, allowing Democrats to keep the majority in the Senate and limiting the GOP's gains in the House.

Trump — who lost against Biden in 2020 and then tried to have the election overturned — announced his candidacy for 2024 from his Mar-a-Lago residence Tuesday evening.

"America's comeback starts right now," Trump said during his speech. "So from now until Election Day in 2024 ... I will fight like no one who has ever fought before."

Read the original article on Business Insider