N.S. student surprises dad, class with heritage project about Ryan Reynolds

Dani, with her dad, Adam Scott and her project about Ryan Reynolds. (Erin MacInnis/CBC - image credit)
Dani, with her dad, Adam Scott and her project about Ryan Reynolds. (Erin MacInnis/CBC - image credit)

When you think about Canadian heritage, your mind might go to the likes of Viola Desmond, Tim Hortons or the Halifax Explosion.

But a Grade 6 student in Hubbards, N.S., has a different perspective. She thinks of movie star — and Canadian heart throb — Ryan Reynolds.

Danica Scott, who goes by Dani, was recently given an assignment at Chester Area Middle School to create a class presentation on Canada's heritage or the life of a Canadian who has done something great for the country.

Unbeknownst to her parents and teachers, she chose Reynolds.

"He's very, very talkative about being Canadian and has helped a bunch of charities in the past so that's why I did Ryan Reynolds," Dani Scott told CBC Radio's Information Morning Nova Scotia.

"I also did him because he's cute."

Erin MacInnis/CBC
Erin MacInnis/CBC

She said Reynolds stuck out to her because of his charity work, including donating $500,000 to Water First Education and Training Inc., a non-profit organization based in Creemore, Ont.

Dani spent weeks poring over her project, researching information about Reynolds' acting career and his previous marriage to Scarlett Johansson, without consulting anyone on the subject — other than her friends, who said it was an "amazing" idea.

Adam Scott, Dani's father, said he was surprised when he saw the completed project.

"I knew that Danica and her brother Jack were big fans of Ryan Reynolds for sure, but didn't realize the heritage project was on Ryan — not to this wonderful extent," he said.

"It's a very colourful board. It pops. Yeah, I like it."

Scott did have a few suggestions for her project, explaining that she could have gone into detail about Reynolds' cellphone and gin companies — both of which he recently sold — and his stake in the Wrexham Association Football Club.

Still, Scott loved the project so much that he posted a photo of it on Facebook and Instagram, in hopes Reynolds would see it.

"I wish I had of known before hand Mr. Reynolds but all the same, she had the 'cool kids' interested (the Grade 7s) and her teachers laughing out loud," Scott wrote in the post, tagging Reynolds.

Dani plans to keep the project board, saying, "It's probably going to be one of the best creations I'll ever make."

Scott is on board with keeping it, joking that it won't be going into the fire like previous projects.

In the end, Dani got an A on her project, but she still hasn't heard from Reynolds.

So — your move, Ryan Reynolds.