NWP adds more programs to next years offerings

Northwestern Polytechnic (NWP) announced two new diploma offerings from the School of Applied Science and Technology last week.

University Biological Sciences and University Arts will become available to students in the fall.

“Our Biological Sciences diploma provides an extremely versatile pathway that can lead directly into competitive pre-professional programs in healthcare and the sciences, including radiology, pharmacology, medicine and dentistry,” said Brian Redmond, NWP interim dean for the School of Applied Science and Technology.

He said the needs of Northern Alberta are being carefully examined when looking at programming offered at NWP.

Additionally, the new programs are another path for students to study locally and receive a credential without needing to leave the area and have the option to continue to a university transfer for further education.

“These offerings were designed with flexibility and learner outcomes in mind,” said Terry Kowalchuk, NWP provost and vice-president academic.

“Students can now choose to complete a two-year diploma locally or carry on through NWP’s existing collaborative University Transfer (UT) program as they work towards an undergraduate degree with one of our partner post-secondaries.”

NWP says the two diplomas will also include work placements in and around the Grande Prairie area.

The Arts diploma will allow students to focus on social sciences, humanities, and communications, including English and Psychology.

NWP said in a media release that it is the only school in the region offering these options.

The school has been adding many options over the past year, including its Agriculture Operations diploma and an expansion of its instrumentation and power engineering options.

NWP signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Alberta in April to formalize a medical education partnership to train physicians locally, and in February, it also added a Primary Care Paramedic program.

Jesse Boily, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Town & Country News