Plastic straws no longer a top concern on coastline litter list

Every year, Ocean Wise hosts beach cleanups across Canada and documents the garbage they find on beaches across the country. From this data, they develop a list of the most common trash items, known as the "Dirty Dozen."

For over a decade, the same 12 items kept showing up on the list, with cigarette butts usually on top, closely followed by several single-use plastic items such as bags, bottles, and straws. However, for the first time in a decade, one of these items did not make the list, and members of Ocean Wise believe that government laws banning certain plastic items might be the cause.

The Weather Network had a chance to find out what that item was and what further steps the team is taking to reduce the amount of single-use plastic we find on our beaches.

(Header image courtesy of Getty Images/stock photo)