Release Palestinian who killed my soldier son if it secures return of hostages, says Israeli mother

Robi Damelin
Robi Damelin, whose soldier son David was shot dead by a sniper in 2002 - Matthew Chattle/Alamy

The mother of a slain Israeli soldier has called for her son’s Palestinian killer to be released if it brings about the return of more hostages held by Hamas.

Robi Damelin, whose son David was shot dead by a sniper in 2002, said the sanctity of human life was more important than the supposed “security” mission currently being carried out by the Israeli government.

She said there are “professional fearmongers” in government who would rather sacrifice the lives of the hostages captured on Oct 7 than help ensure their release.

Israel has secured the release of 110 hostages held in Gaza but an estimated 115 still remain.

‘Price higher’ for releasing soldiers

It followed a series of swaps for Palestinian women and teenagers held in Israeli jails, many of whom were detained without trial or charge.

Hamas has so far released only civilians. It has reportedly said the “price will be much higher” for the release of the Israeli soldiers it holds.

In a piece for Israel’s Haaretz newspaper, Ms Damelin said Palestinian prisoners like the man who killed David and “have blood on their hands” would have to be released to free further Israeli hostages.

Her words came after the head of Mossad held reportedly held “positive” talks with Qatar over restarting hostage negotiations.

When Hamas captured the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in 2006, Israel freed more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners, including hundreds serving life sentences for attacks on Israelis.

Ms Damelin said the release of more dangerous prisoners would be “the very steep cost for the return of our people”.

David was killed while on reserve duty in the West Bank in 2002.

Ms Damelin said if he were still alive he would be demonstrating with families whose loved ones are still being held hostage to pressure the government into securing their release.

‘I say free him if it will bring back a loved one’

“I think about that sniper who is in jail for killing him along with nine other soldiers and civilians. I say free him if it will bring back even one of your loved ones.

“He is not my prisoner to hold on to. The pain he caused me [will] be with me forever. So will the pain of imagining him living freely again, as it will be for the families of the other Israelis he killed.”

So far Israel has not released any Palestinians who are in jail for murder.

Ms Damelin took aim at those who were against further negotiations and denounced the damage to the country’s security caused by the government since taking office.

‘Who are those people who became experts overnight’

She said her comments were prompted by the mistaken killing by the Israeli army of three Israeli hostages on Saturday, which has drawn major protests in Tel Aviv calling for their return.

“Who are those people against such a deal who became experts overnight, and somehow know all the statistics and just how many Israelis will be attacked in the future by Palestinian prisoners set free?” Ms Damelin asked.

“There is real risk, it is not ‘fair’ they might be returned, but I think to myself: do they have any idea what it is like to not know where their beloved child, or wife or father or mother or brother is?”

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