Rodents around a dough mixer. Dirty equipment. Miami, Palm Beach restaurant filth

The rodents and their waste disposal systems run strong once again on this week’s Sick and Shut Down List of South Florida restaurants.

We once again remind you this list of inspection failures in Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and Monroe counties is reactive. We don’t inspect restaurants. We don’t suggest which restaurants need inspection, even if we’re in a Little Havana restaurant with no toilet paper or a McDonald’s with inadequate handwashing facilities in the restrooms.

You, however, can file a complaint to the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation.

In alphabetical order:

Delights of Beirut, 7400 SW 57th Ave., South Miami: Routine inspection, 22 total violations, three High Priority violations.

We told you about the rodent problems and noisome air at this South Miami establishment earlier this week. After two comeback inspections, it was back in business.

READ MORE: Rodent dung among the cutting board problems at a South Miami restaurant

Golden Rule Seafood, 17505 S. Dixie Hwy., Palmetto Bay: Routine inspection, 20 total violations, four High Priority violations.

This restaurant and fish market with a nautical setting needs a few more SpongeBobs or just a few more wipes by a wet sponge.

“Food-contact surface soiled with food debris, mold-like substance or slime.” Examples provided were the “can opener was soiled ... interiors of all the reach-in coolers were soiled with old food and grease accumulation ... the interior of the oven and the microwave were soiled.”

Also “soiled with old food and grease accumulated” were the “bottom part of most preparation tables.” The outside of a food container and all the reach-in cooler gaskets were described as “soiled.”

There was also an “accumulation of debris inside the warewashing machine.”

The roaches didn’t seem to mind. Well, maybe the eight dead roaches did mind, especially the one “plastered to the leg of a small serving cart located next to the reach-in cooler by the grill.”

As for the up and running roaches, three were “crawling on the floor underneath a small steam table located next to the flat grill in the kitchen and in the reach-in cooler next to the flat grill.” Another three were “crawling between the reach-in cooler door hinge and gasket.”

Palmetto Bay’s Krusty Krab passed re-inspection the next day.

Moon Thai Organic Kitchen, 21170 St. Andrew Blvd., Boca Raton: Routine inspection, three total violations, two High Priority violations.

Moon Thai provides our weekly ice machine ick with an “accumulation of black/green mold-like substance in the interior of the ice machine/bin.”

Three roaches hung out under cookline flip top coolers and one ventured under a cookline wok station.

Moon Thai reopened after re-inspection the next day.

Mulligan’s Beach House Singer Island, 2551 Ocean Ave., Riviera Beach: Routine inspection, five total violations, three High Priority violations.

Didn’t this place have rodents, handwash sinks with no soap, at least one employee handling cheese with bare hands and other food safety fails just in September? Why, yes it did.

This time, the inspector found two dishwashers that weren’t sanitizing anything for your protection because they didn’t have sanitizer (parts per million: zero).

Flies at the bar landed on liquor bottles and a soda gun. A brother fly went solo in the kitchen and landed on the steam table and ladle handles.

But the rodents were back and pooping, leaving 12 droppings on a kitchen floor in dry storage and one next to the ice machine.

Mulligan’s met inspection standards three days later.

Romana Pizza, 45 E. Blue Heron Blvd., Riviera Beach: Routine inspection, four total violations, two High Priority violations.

Are you working in the food prep area and want to wash your hands at the prep area handwash sink? NO SOAP FOR YOU.

There weren’t any towels or blowers for hand drying, either.

You’d kind of want proper handwashing if you’re sharing a kitchen with the rodents that left 20 droppings around a dough mixer and another 10 on under the three-compartment sink. Another three poop pellets were found on the bathroom floor.

Give the rodents credit for consistency and regularity, at least by the inspector’s count. The next day, the official dropping counts were again 20 around the dough mixer and 10 under the three-compartment sink.

A second callback inspection got Romana back pushing pizza again.