Here’s who’s running in the Republican primary for Texas House District 64 on March 5

Elaine Hays

Did not respond to questions.

Andy Hopper

Age (as of March, 5 2024): 47

Campaign website:

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Occupation: Software Engineer

Education: Master of Science in Computer Science, University of North Texas and Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Ohio University

Have you run for elected office before?

Texas Senate District 30 in 2020 and Texas House of Representatives District 64 in 2022

Please list the highlights of your civic involvement/activism.

I joined the Texas State Guard in 2014 as a way to serve Texas. I am a Chief Warrant Officer assigned to T6 in the TXSG HQ which has won three consecutive Best of Texas awards and saved Texas an estimated $20 million.

I co-founded Wise County Conservatives, a successful Republican Grassroots

organization. We offer speakers, training, and help recruit GOP Precinct Chairs. I also co-founded Trinity Conservative Coalition which now connects 9 conservative groups across 8 counties in North Texas.

I was honored to serve as the Senate District 12 Caucus Chair at the 2022 Republican Party of Texas State Convention.

Have you ever been arrested, charged with a crime or otherwise been part of a criminal proceeding? If yes, please explain:


Have you been involved in a civil lawsuit or bankruptcy proceeding? If yes, please explain:


Who are your top three campaign contributors?

Bill Priefert, Darlene Pendery, and Henson family.

Why are you seeking this office?

I am running for Texas House because our rights are slipping away and it is the duty of conservatives to stand up against the lobbyist-funded establishment in Austin. We are in the midst of an invasion of our southern border, in every way facilitated by our own federal government. Our right of local self-government is critically impaired, and our legislature in Austin continues to cede control to Washington D.C. I will stand for the liberties of Texans, and the right of Texans to decide what is best for Texas. I will not be beholden to the lobbyists or establishment, and will do exactly what I promise.

What are the biggest challenges facing House District 64?

The most important issues are securing the Texas border and securing Texas elections. Texas needs to attain full operational control of our southern border with a permanent operative “Border Guard” within the Texas Military Forces (a slight variation of HB20/88R). More information on my border policy can be found here:

To secure Texas elections, we need to abandon opaque and hackable voting machines, establish periodic, universal purging of voter rolls, put real protections in place to ensure that only citizens can vote or register to vote, and return to single-day voting. More information on my policy can be found here:

If elected, what would your top 3 policy priorities be?

Secure the border, protect election integrity, and abolish property taxes.

How will you measure your success as a state legislator?

Fighting for what I promised during the campaign, and my constituents feel that they are well represented.

Why should voters choose you over your opponents?

I almost beat my establishment incumbent opponent in just three months (due to redistricting) of campaigning during the 2022 primary cycle. I won every single voting precinct in Wise County and the entire county by 64%. My opponent did much the same in his home county (Wise County was not part of the district previously). This cycle, I am running against the same individual who vocally advocated for Democratic Chairs in the Texas House and voted to impeach Ken Paxton. We have had over 700 individual donations since June. About 2/3 of those donations are from the district, showing deep grassroots support. In contrast, my opponent has only had a few dozen donations from the district over the same period. This is a conservative district that is not well represented by the incumbent. This is a district that we almost won, and can absolutely win in this cycle.

Should Attorney General Ken Paxton have been convicted during his Senate impeachment trial? Why/Why not?

Absolutely not, there was no proof or evidence provided before a vote to impeach the voters chosen Attorney General was taken.

Do you support Gov. Greg Abbott’s call for the use of education savings accounts? Why?/Why not?

As a father of a homeschool family, I firmly support the fundamental idea of parents having the flexibility to allocate their hard-earned money towards any educational option. Although all the bills filed this session were centered upon ESAs, I would personally introduce legislation that gives parents with school-age children an option of a sales or property tax deduction. This way, parents wouldn’t find themselves in a position of having to reclaim their money from the government; instead, they simply wouldn’t pay it in the first place. It would also reduce cost and curb the growth of state bureaucracy.

I often use the term “Education Freedom” as it aligns with the eighth legislative priority of the Republican Party of Texas. This priority specifically calls for money to follow the child with no strings attached, emphasizing a system that grants parents the freedom to make educational choices without unnecessary restrictions.

What should Texas do to address immigration and border security at the Texas-Mexico border?

1) Per article I, Section 10 of the US Constitution, declare that Texas is in the midst of an actual invasion perpetrated, and in every way facilitated, by the United Mexican States and the Federal Government of the United States of America, and that all future action taken by Texas and its military forces is done under its war powers authority authorized by the US Constitution, and Article 4, Section 7 of the Texas Constitution.

2) Authorize an increase of the size of the Texas guard from 25,000 to at least 50,000 troops, with the majority of the increase being the expansion of the Texas State Guard. Secure operational control over the entire border, and give rules of engagement for troops to repel illegals attempting to cross.

3) Pass comprehensive border security legislation along the lines of HB20 from 88/R.

4) Make human trafficking a capital offense

What should the Texas Legislature do to respond to and prepare for population growth in North Texas?

1) Eliminate property taxes so that existing Texans can continue to afford their homes amid skyrocketing appraisals

2) Deal with the water crisis in the Western Metroplex by:

* Encourage responsible water by introducing legislation that will encourage, facilitate, and enable local political subdivisions to offer property tax deductions for un-irrigated acreage, akin to agricultural exemptions.

* Repeal the “5-year waiting period” for agricultural properties, and require all political subdivisions to extend agricultural exemptions to properties over one acre that are used for agricultural purposes.

* Enact legislation like HB1889 which would study for industrial-scale water desalination.

* Reverse the trend of state statute tilting the scales towards aggressive development at the expense of the water rights of existing property owners.

Should Texas law be changed to clarify when an abortion is allowed in medical emergencies? Why/Why not?

I believe there should be no abortions under any circumstances. I fully agree with plank #36 of the Republican Party of Texas Platform that life begins at conception and that the unborn deserve equal protection under the law from the point of conception. Medically, it is safer for the mother and child to perform an early delivery instead of an abortion.

Should Texas expand casino gambling and legalize sports betting in Texas? Why/Why not?

Gambling is a vice like prostitution and drugs and our laws should reflect our principles. I do not believe that expanding gambling or legalizing sports betting reflects the principles of Texans so on that basis I am against both. That said, the state has legalized gambling for its own purposes (the lottery) and we should all experience some degree of cognitive dissonance regarding the government’s giving itself the authority to make money off gambling but being against the right of the individual to engage in it.

What’s a Texas policy issue that’s important to you, but not necessarily as high profile? Why do you think it’s important?

To address the concerns about taxpayer-funded lobbying, I would advocate for legislation similar to SB10 (87R) to be enacted; a bill my opponent voted to kill. This legislation would explicitly make it illegal for government entities or political subdivisions to use public revenue for lobbying activities that may influence another level of government to pass laws affecting individuals’ lives.

The proposed measures would emphasize transparency, accountability, and a clear separation between taxpayer funds and efforts to sway legislation. This approach aligns with the intent of SB10 and aims to ensure that public funds are solely directed toward serving the interests of the taxpayers, rather than being used for potentially contentious lobbying activities.

Lynn Stucky

Age (as of March, 5 2024): 66

Campaign website:

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Occupation: Veterinarian

Education: Bachelor of Science, Kansas State University, 1979 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Kansa State University, 1983

Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought, with years)

Yes. 2016-present (State Representative HD 64); 1997-2012 (Sanger Independent School Board of Trustees)

Please list the highlights of your civic involvement/activism.

Lifetime Member Texas Veterinary Medical Association

Strickland Jr. High Parent Advisory Board 1988-1991

1988 Leadership Denton Graduate

Past Denton County Animal Advisory Board Member

Citizen of the Year, Sanger Chamber of Commerce 2003, 2007

Sanger Chamber of Commerce Board of Director 1986-1992

Member Sanger Independent School Board of Trustees 1997-2012

Past Sanger ISD President of the Board 4 years

Past and Present Member of Denton Chamber of Commerce

Lifetime Membership Kansas State University Alumni Association

Animal Advisory Board Bayer Animal Health International 2000-2004

Past President of Denton County Veterinary Medial Association

Advisory Board to Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science at UNT (2022-present)

Have you ever been arrested, charged with a crime or otherwise been part of a criminal proceeding? If yes, please explain:


Have you been involved in a civil lawsuit or bankruptcy proceeding? If yes, please explain:

No, never personal or professional bankruptcy.

As discussed during the 2016 campaign, we have gone to small claims court to collect unpaid veterinary bills.

I did have a horse client whose horse died that was told to go to a surgery center and refused. He tried to sue me, but the case was dropped. (This was from the mid 80’s, I don’t remember the exact year.)

Who are your top three campaign contributors?

Texans for Lawsuit Reform, Associated Republicans of Texas, Texas Veterinary Medical Association PAC

Why are you seeking this office?

I am running for re-election because I want to keep Texas on a path to prosperity for our children and grandchildren. When I first ran for office in 2016, Texas was already on a great path. Since then, I have helped oversee some of our state’s greatest challenges and delivered solutions for my constituents. I want to keep Texas on a responsible path to eliminating school property taxes, expand the career pipeline, make homes affordable and protect our water resources for many generations to come. I am running because I know it takes an effective leader to deliver on these issues and I am the only candidate with a record of serving and delivering for the people in HD 64.

What are the biggest challenges facing House District 64?

In Wise County, it is definitely the need for reliable water resources for fast-growth rural communities. I have been working with local leaders to identify solutions and build relationships at the Texas Water Development Board to prepare for grant and priority project funding requests.

In Denton County, we are seeing a mental health crisis that is overwhelming our jails and hospitals. I have been working with a policy coalition of local leaders and service organizations to fund a regional crisis stabilization center so that we can divert individuals in mental health or substance abuse crises from our jails. The goal is to stabilize them in the short term facilities and then transition to a long-term care facility or treatment program. There is available funding from HHSC but there will need to be ongoing efforts to secure long-term funding for the facility.

If elected, what would your top 3 policy priorities be?

Advance the Texas Plan to Secure the Border

Keep Texas on the right path to property tax relief

Water Projects for fast-growth communities in rural counties like Wise County

How will you measure your success as a state legislator?

Based on how far we moved the ball from the previous two years. In this last two sessions, I have helped deliver record funding for border security, completed a second round of property tax cuts, and passed some of the strongest Conservative laws in the nation. It is clear that as the Texas Miracle continues to grow, that we are delivering solutions that preserve it for the next generation of Texans.

Why should voters choose you over your opponents?

Unlike my opponent, I have actually spent time serving the community rather than advancing myself politically. I have given my time to lead a rural school district that is very similar to most of the districts I serve as a state representative. I believe experience matters. I also know that being an effective lawmaker matters to the constituents you are elected to serve. I have delivered on major priorities, including property tax relief, protecting children, and securing our southern border. I have also carried local priorities, such as creating regional Amber Alerts, getting a new driver’s license office built, and delivering priority legislation for Denton and WIse County. A full list of accomplishments and endorsements can be found on my website,

Should Attorney General Ken Paxton have been convicted during his Senate impeachment trial? Why/Why not?

Given the Attorney General’s recent admission of guilt in a public court document, I believe the impeachment should be reconsidered. He wants to escape the punishment and leave taxpayers on the hook for his self-professed violation of state law as Attorney General. Taxpayers are being punished for his actions, not the Attorney General.

Do you support Gov. Greg Abbott’s call for the use of education savings accounts? Why?/Why not?

I do not believe this is an either/or argument. I am fighting for parents on both sides of this issue: those who are dedicated to public education and those who are seeking a chance to provide their children with new education opportunities. The record is clear that I supported the proposal presented by Governor Abbott in the last special session. What the record doesn’t show is that I was working during the debate on strengthening the public education components of the bill by creating a new tool that would allow rural districts to use existing tax dollars to fund school construction instead of using the bond election process. I will continue to fight for parents on both sides and will always come to the table to discuss this difficult but important issue.

What should Texas do to address immigration and border security at the Texas-Mexico border?

As the governor said, we must hold the line. I support the continued effort to exercise Tenth Amendment powers to strengthen Texas’ ability to fight the Biden Border Crisis. This includes finishing the wall and erecting barriers that ensure all immigrants go through legal ports of entry. We must stop the unfettered flow of individuals sneaking across the border illegally rather than using legal means.

What should the Texas Legislature do to respond to and prepare for population growth in North Texas?

We have been taking those steps in the previous sessions. From increasing power generation and grid capacity to increasing funding for water projects, we are working hard to keep up with growth. Two issues I worked on in the last session are expanding the career pipeline for young Texans in high school and housing affordability. Because my district has the highest population of college students in the state, we have a lot of issues with rising rents and availability of affordable homes for folks like our nurses, teachers, firefighters and peace officers. We should continue to find ways to keep Texas affordable so that we don’t push hard-working people out of the communities they serve.

Should Texas law be changed to clarify when an abortion is allowed in medical emergencies? Why/Why not?

I am pro-life and happy with the laws we have passed to protect the unborn. But the work doesn’t stop there. As I said previously, I support building stronger Texas families. I support reforms that promote more affordability for necessary services, such as daycare, and continuing early-parenting-support programs that help new mothers and fathers in the first year. I support expanding the availability of community-based care programs that support new parents and provide prenatal services for Texans in need. This past session, I helped secure funding for after-school programs to develop stronger relationships between fathers and their children.

Should Texas expand casino gambling and legalize sports betting in Texas? Why/Why not?

I support the current regulations and am cautiously opposed to expansion efforts.

What’s a Texas policy issue that’s important to you, but not necessarily as high profile? Why do you think it’s important?

The mental health crisis. We have individuals who have severe IDD that are being held in jails because of breakdowns in the MHMR system. We have Texans who are suffering from suicidal ideation and are being dismissed from hospitals. Frequent flyers are part of a revolving door system in our jails and hospitals. I want to reduce the tolls on our jails and emergency rooms. We need solutions to divert people in a crisis to appropriate care facilities to be put on a path to stability, treatment, and wellness. We are seeing positive results from a new program in Bridgeport in Wise County. I want to work with the local police chief to create tools to make these programs available for more rural communities, especially those on the edge of our growing metropolitan areas. Why do I think it’s important? Because Texans help fellow Texans.