South Carolina leads on clean energy with governor who recognizes why issue matters | Opinion

Celebrating clean energy

Thank you, Gov. Henry McMaster, for recognizing South Carolina’s energy leadership.

Now more than ever before, clean energy is powering homes and businesses across South Carolina. Recognizing this, Gov. McMaster recently issued a proclamation, celebrating Sept. 25-29 as Clean Energy Week in the state.

Our state is ranked as the third-largest producer of nuclear power in the nation, and the governor recognizes the economic opportunity, job creation and healthier environment that comes from embracing clean energy. In just South Carolina, the clean energy sector employs more than 56,000 people.

The governor’s proclamation is part of a larger celebration happening across the United States. In the nation’s capital, clean energy leaders and advocates from all perspectives will be convening to celebrate National Clean Energy Week (NCEW) and discuss innovations and policy solutions that empower America to lead the pack in reducing global emissions and securing affordable, reliable energy for all.

Thanks to Gov. McMaster, South Carolina is an active participant in this national celebration and continues to invest in critical clean energy initiatives.

Wells Williams, Columbia

Kids need recess

Rep. Patrick Haddon, Mike Burns and David Vaughan, all Republicans representing Greenville County, and Steven Long, R-Spartanburg, have S.C. House Bill 3731 in progress, supporting recesses, as I have advocated. It is a good bill. Our children have been abused long enough. They are not “little adults.”

Pat Milley, Conway

No uncertain patriots

I’ve read recently that the MAGA brain trust has opined that Trump could serve again as POTUS ...even if incarcerated.If that’s true, this hard-fought Republic is less than one GOP Trump term from self-destruction.

And this time, we’d better get it right.

President Biden has served honorably most of his life, but he and I are the same age and all I want to do now is fish or sit in the garage with my dog and wave at neighbors. Besides, Biden needs to do something about Commander’s behavior before he eats somebody’s leg off.

Surely there are others. I think we should consider a couple of proven Great Americans. Imagine this fractured nation being restored by Liz Cheney and Mark Milley. And for all I care, places on the ticket could be settled with a coin toss. Both are courageous, intelligent people with no uncertainty about their patriotism.

George Martin, Chapin

A candidate for women

As a young college woman invested in the political scene, I admire Nikki Haley’s courage to stand up for women in every space. In the corporate world, politics, the classroom, even on the sports field Nikki Haley has always been committed to supporting women.

As South Carolina’s first female governor, she broke barriers for women when she was elected. As UN ambassador, she fought for women’s rights on the global stage. She understands biological differences, and is working to preserve women’s rights to play competitively on an equal playing field. Nikki Haley’s ability to confront challenges, face the world’s leaders and encounter social issues while leading with grace and tenacity ensures she is the candidate for me.

Celia Hadjin, Columbia

We can do better

Once again, South Carolina’s 1st District Republican Congresswoman Nancy Mace has shown her true colors with the ouster of the speaker of the House. Add that to her recent juvenile comment on the F-35 crash without any regard for the pilot. Wow.

In my opinion, she can no longer be trusted. I hope she has both primary and General Election opposition.

Surely we can do better.

Peter Trager, HHI