Climate Change: Obama to unveil ‘biggest, most important step’ taken by the US

President Barack Obama is releasing the final version of America’s Clean Power Plan on Monday. In a video posted online by the White House, he calls it “the biggest, most important step” ever taken by the United States to combat climate change. BREAKING: On Monday, POTUS will release his #CleanPowerPlan—the biggest step we’ve ever taken to #ActOnClimate.— The White House (WhiteHouse) 2 Août 2015 The plan aims to slash carbon emissions from the power sector by 32 percent from 2005 levels, by 2030. It also encourages an aggressive shift away from coal-fired electricity and towards renewable energy, pushing for more investment in wind and solar energy. The plan, to be unveiled months before a new global climate change deal is due to be agreed in Paris, looks set to be fiercely opposed in the US by supporters of the coal industry. Barack Obama is declaring war on the coal industry to hit climate change targets— The Independent (@Independent) 3 Août 2015 Critics are also expected to argue that lower-income Americans will bear the heaviest burden of compliance. With the US gearing up for next year’s presidential election to replace Obama in the White House, Republican hopeful Jeb Bush said on Sunday that the plan “will throw countless people out of work, and increases everyone’s energy prices”. But Democratic rival Hillary Clinton praised Obama’s plan and said “I’d defend it”.