Live: Annual Labour Party conference kicks off in Liverpool

The annual Labour conference kicks off in Liverpool from today (8 October), until Wednesday (11 October), with talks from a number of key figures in the party.

One of the most highly-anticipated speeches of the event is that of Keir Starmer, who has acknowledged that how well it goes could make or break his popularity ahead of the next election.

Deputy leader, Angela Rayner, will be one of the first to take to the stage for the big speech, with Jess Phillips following this afternoon with a panel on how to end violence against women and girls.

Attendees will this evening also get to enjoy Dawn Butler’s legendary ‘Jamaica party’ in the city centre, before heading back tomorrow to hear Rachel Reeves’ big speech.

Following a massive win in the Rutherglen by-election, it’s thought that the party is trying not to get ahead of itself, and instead focus on a good job this week to maintain trust.