Charlotte Motor Speedway open as free campground to Hurricane Idalia evacuees. What to know

While thousands of people across the coast prepare for the impact of Hurricane Idalia, the Charlotte Motor Speedway is welcoming evacuees who need a space to stay.

The Concord race track has opened its campgrounds free of charge for those seeking a place to shelter.

“With severe weather in the forecast this week for southeastern states, camping will be available as long as possible for evacuees, who will also have access to a bathhouse on speedway property,” speedway officials said.

Meteorologists say the Charlotte area could get heavy rains from the storm late Wednesday afternoon through Thursday morning’s rush hour, The Charlotte Observer previously reported.

North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, who declared a state of emergency on Tuesday, is urging residents to brace for “near tropical storm-strength” and to have plans in place for the next few days as Idalia moved north from Georgia and South Carolina.

“It’s important for us to coordinate with our federal partners in times like this,” Cooper said in a press conference Wednesday. “We’re hoping for the best, preparing for the worst.”

The campgrounds at the speedway can be used for RVs, fifth wheels and travel-trailers. Pets are also welcome, but must be leashed and cleaned after.

Campgrounds amenities

  • Sewer and water hook-ups

  • Shower facility and laundry facility

  • Free WIFI

  • Business center

  • In-ground fire pit

  • Large playground

  • Volleyball court

How to check in for camping

Any evacuees interested in camping out at the speedway must check in at the Camping World Racing Resort office at 6600 Bruton Smith Blvd. Those arriving after hours should park on the service road beside the camping office and check in the following morning after 9 a.m. to be directed to a dry camping location at the speedway.