Peace River Rotaract revives social media presence

Peace River Rotaract is back in business when it comes to their Facebook social media page.

“Our original page was suspended at the end of January,” says Rotaract’s Rylee Armstrong.

“After doing some online searches to see how it could potentially play out, we discovered that the (original page) may never be reinstated. Realizing that, we created a new one believing that it would mitigate the issue. Facebook immediately suspended that one, too,” she adds.

Armstrong says that the group uses their social media page to advertise the various community centric events that they host, without the platform their ability to get the word out to the community is lessened. She says other Rotary Clubs in Western Canada were having same issue.

“We have heard from other Rotary/Rotaract Clubs from Western Canada who were also suspended around the same time,” Armstrong says.

“We have concluded that there may have been some suspicious activity regarding the Rotary name and branding,” she adds.

Armstrong asks that community members go to Peace River Rotaract 2.0 to follow along for new and exciting endeavours the group is taking on this year.

“We have an exciting season coming up and we really want everyone to be informed,” says Armstrong.

“Our 2nd annual Dodgeball Tournament is coming up along with Pick up the Peace and River Days. Our Facebook page has a link directly to our website for more information.”

Armstrong says it was devastating to see the initial page suspended for no reason, and their confusion over being suspended even though their group did not go against Community Standard Guidelines is still prevalent, but they realize now that there isn’t anything that can be done about the old page.

“In light of this, we have started really trying to drive traffic to our website as a primary source of information,” she says, acknowledging that their Facebook page could once again be deleted.

“We believe our events bring some fun and interest to our community. We have tried to create experiences, memories and a reputation that puts Peace River on the map.”

Peace River Rotaract is a community group that has notably raised $16,450 through an online foodbank during the pandemic, they coordinate annual town-wide garbage clean-up, they’ve supported local non- profit organizations like SPCA, raised and packed 130 backpacks full of school supplies for kids in need, amongst many other town-benefitting endeavours.

Emily Plihal Local Journalism Initiative Reporter - South Peace News -

Emily Plihal, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, South Peace News