Pensioners are owed a lockdown thank-you. It’s time to scrap Net Zero

A pensioner walks past a sign that reads "Keep Safe Everyone" in Leith, Edinburgh
A pensioner walks past a sign that reads "Keep Safe Everyone" in Leith, Edinburgh

The cost of decarbonisation is rising all the time. The Treasury will lose huge amounts of revenue from fuel duties when we are all whizzing around in electric cars. And rising interest rates mean governments can no longer pay for everything with cheap debt. Still, never mind. The OECD has a clever wheeze for meeting the cost of Net Zero: scrapping the triple lock on pensions. We’d be better off scrapping Net Zero instead – and giving our pensioners the lockdown thank-you they deserve.

The Paris-based grouping of the world’s leading economies has been taking a close look at Britain’s public finances, and it makes for dismal reading. With low growth, an aging population, and lots of expensive commitments, it has come to a stark conclusion. The numbers don’t add up. Taxes have already been pushed to the limit, there is little sign of extra growth, and existing plans for reducing carbon emissions imply both extra spending and lower revenue, and all at a time when the costs of existing debt and fresh borrowing are soaring.

Extra money, it argues, will have to be found from somewhere to pay for the investment Net Zero requires, and the easiest way to raise that would be to scrap the triple lock that guarantees the living standards of pensioners. Scrap that and billions would be available. Well, perhaps. There’s nothing wrong with the maths, after all. But there’s quite a lot wrong with the morality.

First, it doesn’t seem very fair. Even the most apocalyptic forecasts for the impact of global warming argue that it will be a couple of decades at least before camels are wandering across the deserts of Somerset and Devon, or before Norfolk disappears below the North Sea. The one generation that won’t be especially impacted one way or another is people currently in their seventies and eighties. It would seem more reasonable to tax young people since they will benefit the most from policies to mitigate climate risk.

Second, Britain’s elderly have endured a torrid few years. The lockdowns took a particularly cruel toll, locking them in their homes while the NHS cancelled much-needed operations, and the spectre of a deadly virus hovered over them. This was followed by a winter fuel crisis that has left too many shivering in their homes. Energy prices are still high. They need this money more than the young, who simply waste it on frivolous spending.

Third, for at least a decade we have been lectured that Net Zero is an opportunity not a cost. Investment in wind and solar technologies would generate lots of cheap energy. There would be lots of what are always referred to as “well-paid green jobs”, which presumably will also generate lots of tax revenues as well. Insulating our homes, and eliminating carbon-heavy industries, along with a wave of reindustrialisation, would create a golden decade of investment and growth.

The CBI, for example, argued when the former PM Theresa May made Net Zero a legally binding commitment in 2919, that it would “drive UK competitiveness and secure long-term prosperity”. And yet now it seems that Net Zero is going to be very expensive, cost everyone a lot of money, and may well involve painful cuts elsewhere in government budgets.

No one - well, almost no one – disagrees that reducing carbon emissions is an important objective. We will all benefit from a cleaner environment. But that doesn’t mean that it can be imposed regardless of costs, or that targets have to be stuck to rigidly even if they put huge pressure on government budgets.

With only a few small tweaks to its targets, and with a bit less grandstanding on the global stage, Britain could reduce the cost of getting to Net Zero significantly. That would make a lot more sense than plunging a generation of pensioners into poverty.

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